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Q1, 2024: When Food Scarcity Trumped Non-Oil Exports Policy

President Tinubu's administration has repeatedly declared the promotion of non-oil exports as a key objective, but the jury is still out on whether sufficient priority is being accorded to the sector. A clear strategy / roadmap for promotion and protection of the non-oil sector that stakeholders can rely on (and hold government accountable to) is lacking. Evidence of the disconnect between policy intentions and actual operations of key government stakeholders came to fore in the past few months.

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Nigeria Imposes Additional Levy on Employers of Expatriate Workers

On 27th February 2024, the President of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, approved the implementation of an annual Expatriate Employment Levy Scheme (the “EEL Scheme”). The principal effect of the EEL Scheme is that a private company or other private sector organisation in Nigeria that engages expatriate workers for a period equal to 183 days or more within a fiscal year, is required to pay an annual expatriate employment levy (the “levy”) to the Nigerian government in the sum of USD15,000 (for directors) and USD10,000 (for other expatriates i.e. non-directors). In our policy brief, we highlight the impact / things to note and assess the purported objectives of the EEL Scheme vis-s-vis the details set out in the EEL operational guidelines published by the Ministry of Interior. We also share our insight on recent foreign-investment related actions by the Ministry.

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The Long Road Ahead for State Police in Nigeria

Recently, a Bill for the creation of state police was introduced in the House of Representatives, Nigeria's lower federal legislative house. The bill is supported by several merits. Firstly, it addresses the issue of over-centralization within the current structure of the Nigerian Police Force (NPF), which creates a bureaucracy that hampers quick reactions to security threats. However, apprehensions have been raised regarding potential abuse of this power by political leaders. Moreover, there are regulatory hurdles to overcome. Presently, the Nigerian Constitution and other legislation restrict states from forming their own localized police forces.

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